Financial Planning 101: Improve Your Financial Health

Financial Planning 101: Improve Your Financial Health

Investment Management Tips for Newbies

by Genesis Murphy

'Saving my hard-earned money is the surest and safest way to ensure financial freedom in the future.' This is what risk-averse people say about their efforts to achieve financial goals. However, nothing could be further from the truth because saving alone is not enough. You need to invest your money to build wealth for the future you wish for. Notably, most people believe that investing is complicated and stick by their savings approach. The truth is that there is nothing complicated about investing because all you need are straightforward but effective investment tips. Read on for insight. 

Combine Saving And Investing -- The debate about saving or investing being the best approach toward financial freedom is usually marred with controversy. Some people claim that you can achieve financial goals through savings only, while others believe investing is the surest route towards financial freedom. Reputable and experienced financial advisors insist that saving and investing must be part of your wealth-creating objectives. However, you should keep in mind that the two are pretty different. While saving involves setting money aside for a future financial goal, such as buying a car or house, investing revolves around deciding what to do with the savings. The other difference is that saving is less risky if you use a reputable financial institution, but investing carries some risk because it is market-dependent. The bottom line is that combining saving and investing helps you grow wealth faster and safer.

Opt For Options That Can Absorb Market Volatility -- The impact of unforeseen market volatility is perhaps one of the main reasons some people are reluctant to invest. However, while it is true that some risk is associated with investing, strategic investing can significantly reduce uncertainty. Thus, it is advisable to educate yourself on the risks associated with a particular investment option. Ideally, choose instruments that can absorb market volatility if you are a risk-averse person. For instance, the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries are considered defensive sectors because they rapidly churn out defensive high yield stocks. Therefore, you do not have to worry about losing your initial investment.

Review Your Strategy Regularly -- When you approach a financial advisor for investment management, they will help you pick an investment strategy that you are expected to stick with. However, committing to a particular investment strategy does not mean you cannot adjust it accordingly. Therefore, it is vital to conduct an in-depth review of your investment strategy periodically. Regular reviews ensure that all your allocations are still on target and prevent investments from outgrowing their intended portion. Most importantly, reviewing an investing strategy ensures your investments are performing as expected and not exposed to more risk. Look into investment management near you for more information.


About Me

Financial Planning 101: Improve Your Financial Health

Need help getting your personal or business finances in order? Although keeping track of your income streams and expenses is not always easy, it is the only sure-fire way to take control of your financial future. We built this site because we understand that the best way to achieve your money-related goals is to create a plan that prioritizes the desired goals. Proper financial planning will help you stay focused on your goals and keep you accountable for your actions, allowing you to achieve the big vision you have for your life. We hope the information posted here will put you on a path to financial success.


